supervisory accountability中文什么意思

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  1. Enforce supervisory accountability and lay down clear instructions and delegated authorities
  2. We promulgate the concept of supervisory accountability , under which civil service managers and supervisors should be required to account for the way that their subordinate staff discharge their public duties
  3. The iio is responsible for conducting supervisory accountability and related studies of the activities of police officers and investigating disciplinary breaches and other misconduct brought to light as a result of enquiries conducted by other government agencies
  4. Thirdly , increased problems with " supervisory accountability " . these take the form of inadequate supervision of contractors due to connivance by the inspecting staff or laxity in supervision resulting in problems of substandard workmanship , materials and services
  5. Secondly , growing instances of " undesirable association " between staff and their work contacts , such as contractors and suppliers , often characterized by frequent and excessive wining , dining and even money lending , place the officer concerned in " conflict of interest " situations in their exercise of official duties . thirdly , increased problems with " supervisory accountability "


  1. supervisors position 什么意思
  2. supervisorstate 什么意思
  3. supervisorstateofthecontrolprocessor 什么意思
  4. supervisors’ roles and responsibilities 什么意思
  5. supervisory 什么意思
  6. supervisory activity 什么意思
  7. supervisory agency 什么意思
  8. supervisory and alarm system 什么意思
  9. supervisory and control equipment 什么意思
  10. supervisory and guaranteering functions 什么意思


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